Up against your will
Through the thick and thin
He will wait until
You give yourself to him
Echo & The Bunnymen - The Killing Moon
A girl I hold dearly, once told me I live with my head in the past way too often..... I agree. For a nostalgia driven guy, the past is a beautiful place to wander around, a place of mystery, romance and beauty...... sometimes anyway.....
When I talk about Vivien Leigh, Ava Gardner, Greta Garbo, ...... people to whom these names sound familiar, are fairly uncommon in my generation, especially in Europe. The love stories of Humprey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, Ava Gardner and Frank Sinatra, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier, ...... seemed to rule the world press up to a few decades ago. Their appearances attracted masses unseen in these times, audiences in movie theatres that would be unheard off now.
Do women like that still exist? Can any woman have that kind of attraction on a world audience as some of them did? Not in the same manner as then I guess. I don't think you can compare a Julia Roberts or an Angelina Jolie with a Greta Garbo or Elizabeth Taylor, but maybe that's just me.......
A lot of those beautiful moments and personalities of the past are being forgotten as we speak. Times were different then, people were different.........
Vivien Leigh
One of my all time favorite Hollywood Stars remains Vivien Leigh.I'll never forget her in "Gone With the Wind". It may sound corny, but to me, that movie still is one of the all time classics, a prime example of the magical Hollywood era. A beautiful story of love, passion, tragedy....... with a wonderfull performance by this unique English actress. Vivien Leigh is Margaret Mitchell's Scarlett O'Hara. Her on screen perfomance with Clark Gable and Olivia de Havilland remains one of those major movie events you never forget after you've seen it.
Not to take anything away from her later performance in "A Streetcar Named Desire" or any of her other roles, which were probably critically more acclaimed, but "Gone With the Wind" will always remain in my all time top ten.
Those incredibly expressive eyes, the character in her face. She truly was one off the greatest actresses of the '40's and 50's.
In our time, she would probably have been a tabloid goddess: from her affair (and marriage) with Lawrence Olivier, her episodes of manic-depressions to her tragic death, she left a legacy of artistic performances, most of them now forgotten, but by a few......
Rita HayworthKnown in her time as "The Great American Love Goddess", one of her most famous phrases was: "All the men I knew fell in love with Gilda, but woke up with Rita", referring to her classic role in the film noire "Gilda" starring her and Glenn Ford.
Her line-up of on screen partners was as impressive as the one in her private life. She played with all time greats like Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire, Orson Welles, Robert Mitchum and Frank Sinatra. She was married five times, most notably with Orson Welles and the son of the Aga Kan. She died of Alzheimer's disease in the '80s. You only have to look at her picture, to imagine what a natural beauty she must have been......
Greta GarboUndoubtedly one of the most glamourous and popular stars of the 1920's and '30's, Swedish born Greta Garbo's versions of Anna Karenina and Ninotchka remain vivid memories of what black and white movies mean to me.
Although she'll be mostly remembered by critics for her depiction of Mata Hari and Camille, I remember seeing the other 2 movies as a kid, so they mean more to me personally.
She probably only made 30 movies or so, but her style and influence has been felt throughout te decades.
Even when looking at her pictures now, you can feel the presence she had, a stylistic glamour which even surpasses Marlene Dietrich's.......
2 of her most better known quotes:
- "Life would be so wonderful if we only knew what to do with it."
- "There is no one who would have me—I can't cook."
Truly a great lady...............
Marlene DietrichAlthough I only saw one or 2 of her movies, she mostly means something to me due to all of the photo's I saw of her during my youth. The charisma coming from them is simply astounding.
She gained world stardom with her unforgettable role in "Der Blaue Engel" in 1930 and singlehandedly made cheekbones, lip gloss and smoking sexy.
Bettie PageBettie Page was Playboy Magazine's Miss January of 1955. This girl from Nashville has become one of America's most enigmatic models.
Nice and naughty, shy and daring, simple and exotic, Bettie shone with a freshness never before seen in the modeling industry. Bondage model, Jungle Girl, .... who hasn't seen a picture of this well curved American icon."Bettie's undeniable influence is present still today in fashion, films, and magazines just to name a few. The dark-haired girl from Nashville has become a living legend, a modern icon, a symbol of beauty and femininity that transcends ordinary standards. In the heart of her adoring fans, Bettie will forever remain the queen of pinup." - Quoted from the Bettie Page official Homepage.
Ava GardnerFirst time I ever saw her play (or remember it distinctely), was in "The Barefoot Contessa". That movie meant a lot to me: it was my first encounter with Ava Gardner and Humprey Bogart....... Add to that a wonderful story and you got a classic movie on your hands.
Her career spanned over 40 years, and contained some wonderful movie moments like "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" , "From here to Eternity" or "Mogambo".
Her marriage with Mickey Rooney, love affair with Howard Hughes, second marriage with Artie Shaw and the third one with Frank Sinatra made her a press favorite.
After her divorce with Sinatra, she moved to Spain to spend time with her friend, Ernest Hemingway. It was in his company that she was thrown from a horse, causing the right side of her face to be permanently injured. Se never was the same in front of the camera's again.
Grace Kelly Grace Kelly was an "Hitchcock Girl". She played in three of his classics: "Dial M for Murder" , "Rear Window" and "To Catch a Thief". Her slim waste, beautiful neckline, classic appearance...... she really had it all.........
Personally, I always had trouble differentiating her from Tippi Hedren though.
She only made a dozen or so movies, with one of her more memorable roles alongside Ava Gardner in "Mogambo", but she became the "people's princess" after her fairy tale wedding with Rainier of Monaco. One of the most glamorous and anticipated media events of the past century, their marriage and the attention it generated for the principality, contributed to making it a home for the jet-set, the rich, famous and powerful. Grace Kelly made Monaco the home of the stars......
Her tragic death in '82 was only the beginning of a seemingless unending atmosphere of scandals/tragedies surrounding the royal family.
Brigitte Bardot & Catherine DeneuveI wasn't especially a big fan of Bardot in my youth. I mainly got interested in her due to the fact that I loved Serge Gainsbourg's music and because she played a mayor part in his life. It's only afterwards that I discovered the beautiful black & white pictures, her naïve expression and seeming innocence. She probably was one of the first European Supermodels.
The fact that I also mention Catherine Deneuve, doesn't have anything to do with her singing a duet with Gainsbourg as well. IMHO, Deneuve is probably the most attractive woman in European movie history. With her first movie in the fifties, I can honestly say that during over 30 years, I think she's been one of the most beautiful appearances on the white screen. I can't explain why, but she really is "a woman" and not just a pretty face, as there are so many around nowadays.........